Effective Organizations and Partnerships
Organizations are living systems that need to grow, adapt and learn to thrive, especially in a world of constant change. We support our clients in creating and maintaining the structural, managerial, and cultural conditions to to do this well.

Organizational Effectiveness
Organizations are living systems that need to grow, adapt, and learn to thrive, especially in a world of constant change. We support our clients in creating and maintaining the structural, managerial, and cultural conditions to do this well.
Since our clients need to own and drive change, our work on organizational effectiveness is driven by the principle of co-creation. We work in close partnership with the leadership and staff of our clients to diagnose areas needing attention. We then bring design, process facilitation, and change management expertise to support the development and implementation of tailored solutions.

Expertise in Organizational Design and Optimization
Our areas of work span organizational and process design, business model optimization, talent and performance management, change management, and the design and incubation of new organizations and partnerships.
Clients for work on organizational effectiveness have included the Clinton Health Access Initiative, the Young Women’s Christian Association, KWS Saat SE, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Bank, and others.
An example of our approach
Real-world examples of SEEK Development's impact across focus areas:
The Challenge
The Challenge
The Challenge
The Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) was founded in 2002 to help dramatically scale up access of antiretroviral drugs for the millions of people living with HIV/AIDS in the developing world. Now working in more than 30 countries, CHAI has taken a leading role with governments and partners in lowering the costs of treatment, scaling up pediatric AIDS treatment, and accelerating the rollout of new vaccines.
CHAI’s senior leadership team sought SEEK’s support during a time of rapid growth in its geographic and programmatic scope. Such a steep growth path typically presents challenges, notably to ensure that management structures, systems, and processes keep pace. CHAI sought to strengthen these; a particular challenge was to do so in a way that allowed the organization to retain its agile and entrepreneurial culture, and to ensure that the right systems were there to enable CHAI to sustain success.
Our Approach
Our Approach
Our Approach
CHAI’s project team, supported by SEEK, included staff from across the organization, across continents, and from all levels. SEEK took a three-phased approach. First, a diagnostic phase including a global staff survey to understand organization-wide perceptions of management, leadership, culture, and systems; in-country visits including focus groups and interviews with staff to understand their priorities for improvement; and a desk review of relevant data on CHAI’s systems and processes.
Our Impact
Our Impact
Our Impact
After prioritizing areas for strengthening, SEEK then supported CHAI in a ‘design’ phase, using workshops with the project team to develop concrete workstreams and initiatives, for processes and systems as well as for people and leadership development. The third, final phase involved joint implementation planning and culminated in an all-staff retreat to launch the implementation process owned and led by CHAI. The organization continues to thrive today.